We hope that next 2019 you can fulfill all your purposes. Thank you for your confidence year after year.
This year we want to share with you the contents of the suitcase that we take on vacation. A suitcase with the values of Morgui Clima, because we understand them as a way of life beyond work. Take the ones you want and share them with family and friends.
Click on each of them and access some ideas.



For this Christmas, surround yourself with yours.

Share those special moments

with who else you care.



Do you host any of the Christmas meals?

Prepare a different dish.

Surprise your guests with something original.



Know well the likes of your family and friends.

Surely they appreciate that Santa Claus or the Magi

bring some detail that really deludes you.



decoracio estrella

If this year you get rid of preparing food

Christmas, help your host and

collaborates in the organization and decoration.




Be punctual. Whoever waits for you is anxious to see you,

so go ahead, do not delay and use

an efficient transport.




If you take care of preparing a dish, choose good stuff

cousin. The quality ingredients will help you to elaborate

good dishes.

Horari Nadal ENG

These days we want to enjoy them as a family, this is why our Christmas time will be:

December 24, 25 and 26: closed.
December 27 and 28: usual schedule.
December 31 and January 1: closed.
2, 3 and 4 of January: habitual schedule.



Let's add 1 more Michelin Star to our collection!

A few weeks ago the new list of Michelin Stars 2019 was published and among the novelties, a new restaurant appears with the Morgui seal.

Morgui Clima has been accompanying the best people for years and has collaborated with a number of projects with Michelin Star.

The professional secret prevents us from citing the names of restaurants and chefs, although we can tell you how one of the most applauded projects of this year was "cooked" in order to meet the strictest demands of this dream restaurant and its property.

The restoration project was of high technical value. The architecture studio that directed the design and planning chose to equip the entire restaurant with state-of-the-art machinery.

The best qualities and finishes were gathered in a single space. And for that, they chose extractor hoods and equipment from the Morgui brand for the entire extraction system.

The Morgui extractor hoods were uniquely designed and specially made according to the chef's requests. The aesthetic and functional singularity were a real challenge for our designers and engineers.

The design of the extractor hoods, of central format, special anchoring system and with perimeter regulated air compensation, was executed by means of 3D software (Solid Works) to be digitally integrated with the complete restoration project of the architecture studio.

In short, this new Michelin Star joins those already held by other restaurants equipped with material from the Morgui brand, expanding our exclusive list of world-renowned awards.

Thank you all for making this possible!

Our successes are yours.

Remember that you can consult us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or call us at 93.460.75.75. We will be happy to assist you, advise you and collaborate with you to find the best technical solutions for your projects.

Horari estiu 2018

August is coming, and with it our summer schedule.

Dear customer, one more year, Morgui Clima is still at your disposal throughout the summer. If you need to place an order or pick up a material you can visit us at our facilities in street Monturiol, 11-13, Badalona - 08918.

Customer service hours throughout the month of August will be from Monday to Friday from 8:00 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. Exceptionally, on Wednesday, August 15 we will be closed for local festivity. And from September 1 we will resume our usual customer service hours.

You already know, in August we continue with you and for any additional clarification, consultation or technical advice, do not hesitate to contact us through the form on our website, the customer service telephone number 93.460.75.75, or by writing to us by email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., and one of our technicians will attend you immediately.

And if you are or you're going on vacation, happy well-deserved rest!

¿Humedades y altas temperaturas de trabajo en tu cocina?

La campana extractora VAPOR FRIG te permite eliminar el vapor de agua sin necesidad de añadir elementos de filtración ni instalar tubería.

Condensa el vapor de agua y disfruta en tu cocina de un ambiente de trabajo óptimo y saludable.


vaporfrigvaporfrig seccion


¿Qué es la evaporación?

"Es un proceso físico que consiste en el paso lento y gradual de un estado líquido a un estado gaseoso, tras haber adquirido suficiente energía para vencer la tensión superficial."

¿Y cómo conseguimos revertir este proceso para conseguir la condensación?

Por lo contrario, "la condensación es el cambio de estado de la materia gaseosa a forma líquida". Conoce a continuación cómo la campana Vapor FRIG se beneficia de este proceso químico y evita humedades en las zonas de lavado de las cocinas industriales.

1. Problemática:

En los lavavajillas y trenes de lavado industriales se genera mucho vapor de agua debido a las altas temperaturas a la cuales trabajan. En las zonas de entrada y salida, o en la apertura de puertas, este tipo de maquinaria siempre desprende mucho vapor de agua.

2. Consecuencias:

Que el vapor de agua se disperse por la cocina supone muchos inconvenientes que podemos evitar. Veamos los principales:

- Humedades en los locales.

- Deterioro de la pintura y los acabados de los techos y paredes de alrededor.

- Temperatura de trabajo excesiva para los cocineros y su equipo.

3. Solución:

Morgui Clima ha diseñado exclusivamente un modelo de campana extractora capaz de ofrecer una solución a estos inconvenientes, la campana VAPOR FRIG.

Su diseño permite filtrar un porcentaje muy elevado del vapor de agua mediante un proceso de condensación. El cambio de temperatura a través de una placa refrigerada provoca la condensación inmediata del vapor que se aspira. De este modo, el aire limpio de partículas de agua puede ser devuelto al local de manera inmediata, evitando costosas y complicadas extracciones mediante tubería.

El vapor de agua no es humo, es decir, no contiene partículas de grasa ni otros componentes residuales, con lo cual permite una recirculación dentro del mismo local sin necesidad de ser extraído al exterior. No obstante, cabe remarcar igualmente que es conveniente tener el local bien ventilado.

En definitiva, la campana Vapor FRIG te ofrece:

- Alta eficacia para la condensación del vapor de agua.

- Recirculación del aire filtrado.

- Reducción de la temperatura de trabajo en la cocina.

- Evita humedades y deterioros en las paredes y techos de alrededor.

- Evita aparatosas instalaciones de tubería.

Y si quieres saber más, conoce los detalles del funcionamiento de la campana Vapor Frig en su nueva ficha técnica y su manual de uso.

Morgui Clima es innovación. Morgui Clima es servicio.

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